game Xbox 360 » Sonic Adventure 3: Awakening Box Cover
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Sonic Adventure 3: Awakening box art cover
By avatar Spookz 3 on June 2nd, 2013
print No Printable Available

Sonic Adventure 3: Awakening, is one of my original box-arts for a Sonic the hedgehog game. The game itself has a biography still under way. I'll update the link later. :P

P.S. The Awakening part is still being worked in. So far it's a dreamcast way of putting in the title without the :blarg part.

Sonic Adventure 3: Awakening
Style- Original
System - Xbox 360
Category - SEGA, Sonic the hedgehog
Sequel - YES, to Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle)

comments Sonic Adventure 3: Awakening Box Cover Comments

Comment on Spookz's Sonic Adventure 3: Awakening Box Art / Cover.

RebornSonic67 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

do use paint use gimp or photoshop

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Spookz 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

Paint... alot. I like going original including with my own renders of characters. It makes it mor... exciting that it could be used as an original boxart.

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Spookz 3 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Static 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

To be fair, for paint that's pretty freaking tight. I would have thought it was just a sloppy put together of a high end program like Photoshop or GiMP or something, but it would seem like you really wanted to get the best out of your limitation. I'd reccomend getting a higher end program, but overall, I can see some potential in you.

From a design standpoint, one thing I'd recommend is not making the front super clean and bright, and the back very gritty and dark. It's a bit of a conflict of interest there. Regardless, I say keep at it. Seems like you have the integrity to make designs so I'd say you got a good thing going for you with just that. But another program would work wonders for you (Hard for me to reccomend because I only use photoshop, though. :I)

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Spookz 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks. :)

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